Three words. Up and coming. Though true, those three words do not give near enough justice in describing my all time favorite band for 2009, Mumford & Sons. Discovering them by somewhat of an accident, I latched onto this British band immediately. I purchased a ticket for a New Year's Eve show in London with the intentions of seeing Frank Turner play. Having no idea who anyone else on the bill was I decided to give the headliner, Mumford & Sons, a listen. To my surprise, they were beyond amazing. To cut a long story short, Frank Turner didn't end up playing the show as scheduled, but I didn't mind one bit because I discovered Mumford & Sons through it all.

'Sigh No More' was the exact type of album I had been craving and searching for for months. They've created an atmosphere with their music so broad on the spectrum that at some points I can lay in bed and relax while listening to it, and at other points, I can't sit still because my heart is racing from excitement. Add some of the best written lyrics of love, heartache, and life to that, and my search to fill my music void was complete.
How fickle my heart and how whoozy my eyes
I struggle to find any truth in your lies
And now my heart stumbles on things I don't know
My weakness I feel I must finally show
Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep totally free.
Their performance on New Years Eve was phenomenal. I couldn't have asked to bring in the new year in a better way. It's even better that I can tie them in with my trip to England. Makes everything so much more meaningful for me. Before I even left England I found out they would be playing The Troubadour February 9th. It gave me something to look forward to when I came home and helped lessen the blow of wanting to be in England still.
I didn't really know what to expect of an LA crowd after seeing how crazy their London fans were. I knew there would be no comparison in the energy coming from the audience. Mumford & Sons, however, put just as much energy playing in front of a crowd 1/4 the size as before. I haven't been this impressed by a band in ages, if ever. Lead singer, Marcus Mumford, had my jaw on the ground at multiple points. He's the first person I've ever seen play drums, guitar, and sing at the same time. They recently played on David Letterman where he cracked a joke saying, "They're going to use the proceeds from this show to hire a drummer." I'd like to ask Mr. Letterman if any other band he's featured on his show has ever done that. I highly doubt it. He should be praising these guys, not mocking them.

Their set was absolutely amazing. In addition to the great company I was with (Kassi, Sarah, and Jon,) it appeared that Jake Gyllenhaal and Benecio Del Toro were in attendance too. I'm curious to know how everyone at the show found out about them. I'm sure I would have stumbled upon them eventually, it just so happens I got lucky to find out about them before The Troubadour show sold out.
"My head told my heart let love grow but my heart told my head this time no this time no"
I can't wait to see whats in store for this band. They played a couple new songs which sounded amazing. I have a feeling they're going to blow up within the next year. They've got this energy that people tend to gravitate towards. Not to mention they've got British humor to charm everyone with.